
From the Rocky Mountains to the Bahamas and into our own backyard, we are a couple who have always loved experiencing new things and chasing adventures big and small.

Shortly after embarking on our happiest adventure ever (our marriage) we decided to up roots and move half way around the world to teach English in South Korea. This page is obviously a little overdue as we have now been in Gwangju for a little over seven months and visited Mongolia in the middle of it, but here it is none the less.

This blog is where we will catalogue and share our adventures, thoughts, and observations wherever our journey might take us.  We can’t wait to see around the next corner! Hope you enjoy.



6 thoughts on “About

  1. I am really enjoying reading your blog. Our son and his wife are also teaching in Korea (Seoul) and have been there for three years. They now have a baby and, because there are no teaching jobs here, have no plans to return home in the near future. Last year we went to Korea to visit them – spent 10 days total with them and then three weeks travelling around and (mostly) hiking. We plan to do the same this September, so your blog has been a great help in planning our upcoming trip. We loved the National and Provincial parks in Korea and really look forward to experiencing more of them in a few months. Keep up the great writing !

    • Thanks Katherine. We are glad that it has been helpful for you. The national parks are amazing. We are hoping to get to most of the other ones before we leave, especially those in Gangwon-do. Hope you have a great second trip to Korea!

  2. I enjoyed browsing through your blog; What a wonderful start to your married life. My wish for you is that you be still travelling together and enjoying it as much in fifty years.

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